Professor of Solid and Structural Mechanics
Ph.D. Dissertation
- D. Bigoni Localization of deformation and bifurcation in incremental non-associative elastoplasticity: applications to brittle-cohesive materials. University of Bologna (in Italian).
Books and Monographs
- D. Bigoni, Nonlinear Solid Mechanics Bifurcation Theory and Material Instability. Cambridge University Press, 2012, ISBN 9781107025417.
- D. Bigoni, O. Kirillov Dynamic Stability and Bifurcation in Nonconservative Mechanics - CISM Lecture Notes No. 586. Springer, 2019, ISBN 978-3-319-93722-9, doi 10.1007/978-3-319-93722-9.
- D. Bigoni, Extremely Deformable Structures - CISM Lecture Notes No. 562. Springer, 2015, ISBN 978-3-7091-1876-4, doi 10.1007/978-3-7091-1877-1.
- D. Bigoni, Selected Mechanical Problems in Structural Ceramics. AMAS Lecture Notes No. 3, Institute of Fundamental Technological Research, Warsaw, ISSN 1642-0578, 2002.
Papers Published in International Journals
Copies of the original articles for the reader's personal research and study can be requested emailing to Cavuoto, R., Lenarda, P., Tampieri, A., Bigoni, D., Paggi, M. (2024)
Phase-field modelling of failure in ceramics with multiscale porosity.
Materials & Design.
ArXiv Preprint:
Zenodo Preprint:
- Gaibotti, M., Mogilevskaya, S.G., Piccolroaz, A., Bigoni D. (2024).
Bifurcations of an elastic disc coated with an elastic inextensible rod.
Proceedings of the Royal Society A, 480: 20230491.
- Bigoni, D., Dal Corso, F., Kirillov, O., Misseroni, D., Noselli, G., Piccolroaz, A. (2023).
Flutter instability in solids and structures, with a view on biomechanics and metamaterials.
Proceedings of the Royal Society A, 479: 20230523.
- Fraldi, M., Palumbo, S., Cutolo, A., Bigoni, D. (2023)
Bimodal buckling governs human fingers' luxation.
PNAS, 120(44), e2311637120.
ArXiv Preprint:
Zenodo Preprint:
- Koutsogiannakis, P., Misseroni, D., Bigoni, D., Dal Corso, F. (2023)
Stabilization against gravity and self-tuning of an elastic variable-length rod through an oscillating sliding sleeve.
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 181, 105452. [OPEN ACCESS]
ArXiv Preprint: - Rossi, M., Piccolroaz, A., Bigoni, D. (2023)
Fusion of two stable elastic structures resulting in an unstable system.
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 173, 105201.
Preprint: - Koutsogiannakis, P., Bigoni, D., Dal Corso F. (2023)
Double restabilization and design of force-displacement response of the extensible elastica with movable constraints.
European Journal of Mechanics - A/Solids, 100, 104745.
Preprint: - Springhetti, R., Rossetto, G., Bigoni, D. (2022)
Buckling of Thin-Walled Cylinders from Three Dimensional Nonlinear Elasticity.
Journal of Elasticity, in Press.
[OPEN ACCESS] - Gaibotti, M., Bigoni, D., Mogilevskaya, S.G. (2023)
Elastic disk with isoperimetric Cosserat coating.
European Journal of Mechanics - A/Solids, 100, 104568.
Preprint: - Cavuoto R., Lenarda P., Misseroni D., Paggi M., and Bigoni D. (2022)
Failure through crack propagation in components with holes and notches: an experimental assessment of the phase field model.
International Journal of Solids and Structures, 257, 111798.
- Giarola, D., Dal Corso, F., Capuani, D., Bigoni, D. (2022)
Interactions between multiple rigid lamellae in a ductile metal matrix: shear band magnification and attenuation in localization patterns.
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 165, 104925.
doi: - Hima, N., Bigoni, D., Dal Corso, F. (2022)
Buckling vs unilateral constraint for a multistable metamaterial element.
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A, in press.
doi: - Bordiga, G., Bigoni, D., Piccolroaz, A. (2022)
Tensile material instabilities in elastic beam lattices lead to a closed stability domain.
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A, 380, 20210388.
[Cover paper]
Bordiga, G., Piccolroaz, A., Bigoni, D. (2022).
A way to hypo-elastic artificial materials without a strain potential and displaying flutter instability.
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 158, 104665.
[arXiv version] -
Bordiga, G., Cabras, L., Piccolroaz, A., Bigoni, D. (2021).
Dynamics of prestressed elastic lattices: Homogenization, instabilities, and strain localization.
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 146, 104198.
[arXiv version] -
Goudarzi, M., Dal Corso, F., Bigoni, D., Simone, A. (2021).
Dispersion of rigid line inclusions as stiffeners and shear band instability triggers.
International Journal of Solids and Structures, 210-211, 255-272.
[Open access] [Cover paper]
Cazzolli, A., Dal Corso, F., Bigoni, D. (2021).
Flutter instability and Ziegler destabilization paradox for elastic rods subject to non-holonomic constraints.
Journal of Applied Mechanics ASME, 88(3): 031003.
[arXiv version] -
Cazzolli, A., Dal Corso, F., Bigoni, D. (2020).
Non-holonomic constraints inducing flutter instability in structures under conservative loadings.
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 138, 103919.
Supplementary material
Symbolic expression for flutter load with vanishing viscosities (Mathematica file)
[arXiv version] - Bigoni, D., Cavuoto, R. Misseroni, D. Paggi, M. Ruffini, A. Sprio, S. Tampieri, A. (2020).
Ceramics with the signature of wood: a mechanical insight.
Materials Bio Today 5, 100032.
[Open access] -
Bigoni, D., Misseroni, D. (2020).
Structures loaded with a force acting along a fixed straight line, or the "Reut's column problem".
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 134, 103741.
[arXiv version] -
Sprio, S., Pansieri, S., Montesi, M., Dapporto, M., Ruffini, A., Dozio, S.M., Cavuoto, R., Misseroni, D., Paggi, M., Bigoni, D., Tampieri, A. (2020).
Hierarchical porosity inherited by natural sources affects the mechanical and biological behaviour of bone scaffolds.
Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 40, 1717-1727.
[arXiv version] - Misseroni D., Movchan A. and Bigoni D. (2019).
Omnidirectional flexural invisibility of multiple interacting voids in vibrating elastic plates.
Proceedings of the Royal Soociety A 475, 2229. Supplementary material
[arXiv version] [Cover paper]
Rizzi, G., Dal Corso, F., Veber, D., Bigoni, D. (2019).
Identification of second-gradient elastic materials from planar hexagonal lattices.
Part I: Analytical derivation of equivalent constitutive tensors.
International Journal of Solids and Structures, 176-177, 1-18.
[arXiv version] -
Rizzi, G., Dal Corso, F., Veber, D., Bigoni, D. (2019).
Identification of second-gradient elastic materials from planar hexagonal lattices.
Part II: Mechanical characteristics and model validation.
International Journal of Solids and Structures, 176-177, 19-35.
[arXiv version] -
Dal Corso, F., Tallarico, D., Movchan, N., Movchan, A., Bigoni, D. (2019).
Nested Bloch waves in elastic structures with configurational forces.
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A, 377: 20190101.
[arXiv version]
Armanini, C., Dal Corso, F., Misseroni, D., Bigoni, D. (2019).
Configurational forces and nonlinear structural dynamics.
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 130, 82-100.
[arXiv version] - Kempen, D., Piccolroaz, A., Bigoni, D. (2019).
Thermomechanical modelling of ceramic pressing and subsequent sintering.
International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 156, 146-158.
[arXiv version] - Bordiga, G., Cabras, L., Piccolroaz, A., Bigoni, D. (2019).
Prestress tuning of negative refraction and wave channeling from flexural sources.
Applied Physics Letters 114, 041901 [promoted as an Editor's Pick]
[arXiv version]
- Bordiga, G., Cabras, L., Bigoni, D., Piccolroaz, A. (2018).
Free and forced wave propagation in a Rayleigh-beam grid: Flat bands, Dirac cones, and vibration localization vs isotropization.
International Journal of Solids and Structures 161, 64-81.
[arXiv version]
- Giarola, D., Capuani, D., Bigoni, D. (2018).
Dynamic interaction of multiple shear bands.
Scientific Reports 8 16033.
[Open access]
- Bigoni, D., Kirillov, O., Misseroni, D., Noselli, G.Tommasini, M. (2018).
Flutter and divergence instability in the Pfluger column: Experimental evidence of the Ziegler destabilization paradox.
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 116, 99-116.
[arXiv version]
- Bigoni, D., Bordignon, N., Piccolroaz, A., Stupkiewicz, S. (2018).
Bifurcation of elastic solids with sliding interfaces.
Proceedings of the Royal Society A 474 20170681.
doi: 10.1098/rspa.2017.0681
[Open access] - Bigoni, D., Misseroni, D., Tommasini, M., Kirillov, O., Noselli, G. (2018).
Detecting singular weak-dissipation limit for flutter onset in reversible systems.
Physical Review E 97, 023003.
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevE.97.023003
[arXiv version]
- Giarola, D., Capuani, D., Bigoni, D. (2018).
The dynamics of a shear band.
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 112, 472-490
[arXiv version]
- Bacigalupo, A., Paggi, M., Dal Corso, F., Bigoni, D. (2017).
Identification of higher-order continua equivalent to a Cauchy elastic composite.
Mechanics Research Communications, in press.
[arXiv version] - Dal Corso, F., Misseroni, D., Pugno, N.M., Movchan, A.B., Movchan, N.V., Bigoni, D. (2017).
Serpentine locomotion through elastic energy release [Open access].
Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 14: 20170055.
Watch a movie: - Papathanasiou, T.K., Movchan, A.B., Bigoni, D. (2017).
Wave reflection and transmission in multiply stented blood vessels [Open access].
Proceedings of the Royal Society A, 473: 1364-5021.
doi: - Armanini, C., Dal Corso, F., Misseroni, D., Bigoni, D. (2017).
From the elastica compass to the elastica catapult: an essay on the mechanics of soft robot arm.
Proceedings of the Royal Society A, 473: 20160870.
[Cover paper] [Open access] - M.S. Swan, A. Piccolroaz, D. Bigoni (2017).
Application of tomographic reconstruction techniques for density analysis of green bodies.
Ceramics International, 43 (1), 49-754.
[arXiv version] - Gourgiotis, P.A., Bigoni, D. (2017).
The dynamics of folding instability in a constrained Cosserat medium.
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A, A 375: 20160159.
doi: [Open Access]
- Bosi, F., Misseroni, D., Dal Corso, F., Neukirch, S., Bigoni, D. (2016).
Asymptotic self-restabilization of a continuous elastic structure.
Physical Review E, 94 (6), 063005.
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevE.94.063005
[arXiv version] - Shahzad, S., Dal Corso, F., Bigoni, D. (2017).
Hypocycloidal inclusions in nonuniform out-of-plane elasticity: stress singularity vs stress reduction.
Journal of Elasticity, 126 (2), 215-229.
doi: 10.1007/s10659-016-9590-5
[arXiv version] - M. Tommasini, O. Kirillov, D. Misseroni, D. Bigoni (2016).
The destabilizing effect of external damping: Singular flutter boundary for the Pfluger column with vanishing external dissipation
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids. 91, 204-215.
[arXiv version] - D. Bigoni, P.A. Gourgiotis (2016).
Folding and faulting of an elastic continuum.
[Cover Paper] [Open Access] Proceedings of the Royal Society A. 472: 20160018,
- L. Argani, D. Misseroni, A. Piccolroaz, Z. Vinco, D. Capuani, D. Bigoni (2016).
Plastically-driven variation of elastic stiffness in green bodies during powder compaction. Part I Experiments and elastoplastic coupling.
Journal of the European Ceramic Society. 36, 2159-2167.
[arXiv version] - L. Argani, D. Misseroni, A. Piccolroaz, D. Capuani, D. Bigoni (2016).
Plastically-driven variation of elastic stiffness in green bodies during powder compaction. Part II: Micromechanical modelling.
Journal of the European Ceramic Society. 36, 2169-2174.
[arXiv version] - F. Dal Corso, S. Shahzad, D. Bigoni (2016).
Isotoxal star-shaped polygonal voids and rigid inclusions in nonuniform antiplane shear fields. Part I: Formulation and full-field solution.
International Journal of Solids and Structures. 85-86, 67-75.
[arXiv version] - F. Dal Corso, S. Shahzad, D. Bigoni (2016).
Isotoxal star-shaped polygonal voids and rigid inclusions in nonuniform antiplane shear fields. Part II: Singularities, annihilation and invisibility.
International Journal of Solids and Structures. 85-86, 76-88.
[arXiv version] - P.A. Gourgiotis, D. Bigoni (2016).
Stress channelling in extreme couple-stress materials Part I: Strong ellipticity, wave propagation, ellipticity, and discontinuity relations
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids. 88, 150-168.
[arXiv version] - P.A. Gourgiotis, D. Bigoni (2016).
Stress channelling in extreme couple-stress materials Part II: Localized folding vs faulting of a continuum in single and cross geometries
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids. 88, 169-185.
[arXiv version] -
A. Gajo, D. Bigoni (2015).
Elastoplastic coupling for thermo-elasto-plasticity at high temperature.
Geomechanics for Energy and the Environment, 2015, 4, 29-38.
Special issue dedicated to Professor Tomasz Hueckel. -
F. Bosi, D. Misseroni, F. Dal Corso, and D. Bigoni (2015).
Self-encapsulation, or the 'dripping' of an elastic rod [Open Access]
Proceedings of the Royal Society A, 471: 20150195.
doi: - D. Misseroni, G. Noselli, D. Zaccaria, and D. Bigoni (2015).
The deformation of an elastic rod with a clamp sliding along a smooth and curved profile.
International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2015, 69-70, 491-497;
[arXiv version] - F. Bosi, D. Misseroni, F. Dal Corso, and D. Bigoni (2015).
Development of configurational forces during the injection of an elastic rod
Extreme Mechanics Letters, 2015, 4, 83-88.
[arXiv version] - N. Bordignon, A. Piccolroaz, F. Dal Corso, D. Bigoni (2015).
Strain localization and shear banding in ductile materials. [Open Access]
Frontiers in Materials, 2015, 2, 1-13.
doi: 10.3389/fmats.2015.00022. - D. Misseroni, A.B. Movchan and N.V. Movchan and D. Bigoni (2015).
Experimental and analytical insights on fracture trajectories in brittle materials with voids.
International Journal of Solids and Structures, 63, 219-225.
[arXiv version] - S. Stupkiewicz, A. Piccolroaz, D. Bigoni,
Finite-strain formulation and FE implementation of a constitutive model for powder compaction.
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2015, 283, 856-880.
[arXiv version] -
D. Bigoni, F. Dal Corso, D. Misseroni and F. Bosi
Torsional locomotion [Cover Paper] [Open Access]
Proceedings of the Royal Society A, 2014, 470, 20140599.
doi: -
F. Bosi, D. Misseroni, F. Dal Corso and D. Bigoni
An elastica arm scale [Cover Paper]
Proceedings of the Royal Society A, 2014, 470, 20140232
[Royal Society Publishing July Highlights]
- S. Stupkiewicz, R. Denzer, A. Piccolroaz and D. Bigoni
Implicit yield function formulation for granular and rock-like materials.
Computational Mechanics , 54, 2014, 54, 1163–1173.
doi 10.1007/s00466-014-1047-8.
[arXiv version] -
L. Argani, D. Bigoni, D. Capuani and N.V. Movchan
Cones of localized shear strain in incompressible elasticity with prestress: Green's function and integral representations
Proceedings of the Royal Society A, 2014, 470, 20140423. - Misseroni, D., Dal Corso, F., Shahzad, S. and Bigoni, D.
Stress concentration near stiff inclusions: validation of rigid inclusion model and boundary layers by means of photoelasticity.
Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 2014, 121-122, 87-97. - F. Poltronieri, A. Piccolroaz, D. Bigoni, S. Romero Baivier, A simple and robust elastoplastic constitutive model for concrete.
Engineering Structures, 2014, 60, 81-84. - D. Bigoni, F. Bosi, F. Dal Corso and D. Misseroni, Instability of a penetrating blade.
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 2014, 64, 411-425. - D. Bigoni, F. Dal Corso, F. Bosi and D. Misseroni, Eshelby-like forces acting on elastic structures: theoretical and experimental proof.
Mechanics of Materials, 2015, 80, 368-374. - F. Bosi, A. Piccolroaz, M. Gei, F. Dal Corso, A. Cocquio and D. Bigoni
Experimental investigation of the elastoplastic response of
aluminum silicate spray dried powder during cold compaction.
Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 2014, 34, 2633-2642. - M. Penasa, A. Piccolroaz, L. Argani and D. Bigoni
Integration algorithms of elastoplasticity for ceramic powder compaction.
Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 2014, 34, 2775-2788.
[arXiv version] - S. Stupkiewicz, A. Piccolroaz, and D. Bigoni
Elastoplastic coupling to model cold ceramic powder compaction.
Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 2014, 34, 2839-2848.
[arXiv version] - M. Bacca, F. Dal Corso, D. Veber and D. Bigoni
Anisotropic effective higher-order response of heterogeneous Cauchy elastic materials.
Mechanics Research Communications, 2013, 54, 63-71. - M. Bacca, D. Bigoni, F. Dal Corso, and D. Veber
Mindlin second-gradient elastic properties from dilute two-phase Cauchy-elastic composites. Part I: Closed form expression for the effective higher-order constitutive tensor.
International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2013, 50(24), 4010-4019. - M. Bacca, D. Bigoni, F. Dal Corso, and D. Veber
Mindlin second-gradient elastic properties from dilute two-phase Cauchy-elastic composites Part II: Higher-order constitutive properties and application cases.
International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2013, 50(24), 4020-4029. - D. Bigoni, S. Guenneau, A.B. Movchan and M. Brun
Elastic metamaterials with inertial locally resonant structures: application to lensing and localisation.
Physical Review B, 2013, 87, 174303. - L. Argani, D. Bigoni, G. Mishuris
Dislocations and inclusions in prestressed metals.
Proceedings of the Royal Society A, 2013, 469, 2154 20120752; doi:10.1098/rspa.2012.0752. - G. Mishuris, A.B. Movchan and D. Bigoni,
Dynamics of a fault steadily propagating within a structural interface.
SIAM Journal on Multiscale Modelling and Simulation, 2012, 10(3), 936-953. - D. Bigoni, D. Misseroni, G. Noselli and D. Zaccaria
Effects of the constraint's curvature on structural instability:
tensile buckling and multiple bifurcations.
Proceedings of the Royal Society A, 2012, 468, 2191-2209; doi:10.1098/rspa.2011.0732. - D. Bigoni and G. Noselli
Experimental evidence of flutter and divergence instabilities induced by dry friction.
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 2011, 59, 2208-2226. - D. Zaccaria, D. Bigoni, G. Noselli and D. Misseroni
Structures buckling under tensile dead load.
Proceedings of the Royal Society A, 2011, 467, 1686-1700. - S. Roccabianca, D. Bigoni and M. Gei
Long-wavelength bifurcations and multiple
neutral axes in elastic multilayers subject to finite bending.
Journal of Mechanics of Materials and Structures, 2011, 6, 511-527, special issue dedicated to Marie-Louise and Charles Steele. - F. Dal Corso and D. Bigoni
Growth of slip surfaces and line inclusions along shear bands in a softening material.
International Journal of Fracture, 2010, 166, 225-237. - M. Brun, S.Guenneau, A.B.Movchan and D. Bigoni
Dynamics of structural interfaces: Filtering and focussing effects for elastic waves.
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 2010, 58, 1212-1224. - G. Noselli, F. Dal Corso and D. Bigoni
The stress intensity near a stiffener disclosed by photoelasticity.
International Journal of Fracture, 2010, 166, 91-103.
[Movie 1/3] - Introduction
[Movie 2/3] - Stiffener and Singularity
[Movie 3/3] - Stiffener and Neutrality
- S. Roccabianca, M. Gei and D. Bigoni
Plane strain bifurcations of elastic layered structures subject to finite
bending: theory versus experiments.
IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics, 2010, 75, 525-548 . - D. Bigoni and G. Noselli
Localized stress percolation through dry masonry walls. Part I - Experiments.
European Journal of Mechanics A/Solids, 2010, 29, 291-298.
[Movie] - Dry masonry walls - Experiments & Modelling
- D. Bigoni and G. Noselli
Localized stress percolation through dry masonry walls. Part II - Modelling.
European Journal of Mechanics A/Solids, 2010, 29, 299-307.
- A. Piccolroaz and D. Bigoni
Yield criteria for quasibrittle and frictional materials: a generalization to surfaces with corners.
International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2009, 46, 3587-3596. - S. Colli, M. Gei and D. Bigoni,
A boundary element formulation for incremental nonlinear elastic deformation of compressible solids.
CMES-Computer Modeling in Engineering and Sciences, 2009, 40, 29-62. - M. Gei, A.B. Movchan and D. Bigoni,
Band-gap shift and defect-induced annihilation in prestressed elastic structures.
Journal of Applied Physics, 2009, 105, 063507. - F. Dal Corso and D. Bigoni,
The interactions between shear bands and rigid lamellar
inclusions in a ductile metal matrix.
Proceedings of the Royal Society A, 2009, 465, 143-163. - D. Bigoni and F. Dal Corso,
The unrestrainable growth of a shear band in a prestressed material.
Proceedings of the Royal Society A, 2008, 464, 2365-2390 Supplementary online material. - D. Bigoni, M. Gei and A.B. Movchan,
Dynamics of a prestressed stiff layer on an elastic half space: filtering and band gap
characteristics of periodic structural models derived from long-wave asymptotics.
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 2008, 56, 2494-2520. - F. Dal Corso, D. Bigoni and M. Gei,
The stress concentration near a rigid line inclusion in a prestressed, elastic material.
Part I Full-field solution and asymptotics.
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 2008, 56, 815-838. - D. Bigoni, F. Dal Corso and M. Gei,
The stress concentration near a rigid line inclusion in a prestressed, elastic material.
Part II Implications on shear band nucleation, growth and energy release rate.
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 2008, 56, 839-857. - K. Bertoldi, D. Bigoni and W.J. Drugan,
Nacre: an orthotropic and bimodular elastic material.
Composites Science and Technology, 2008, 68(6), 1363-1375. - A. Gajo, D. Bigoni, A model for stress and plastic strain induced
nonlinear hyperelastic anisotropy in soils.
International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 2008, 32(7), 833-861. - D. Bigoni, D. Capuani, P. Bonetti, S. Colli, A novel boundary
element approach to time-harmonic dynamics of incremental non-linear
elasticity: the role of pre-stress on structural vibrations and dynamic shear banding.
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2007, 196, 4222-4249. - A. Gajo, D. Muir Wood and D. Bigoni,
On certain critical material and testing characteristics affecting shear band development in sand.
Geotechnique, 2007, 57(5), 449-461. - K. Bertoldi, D. Bigoni and W.J. Drugan,
A discrete-fibers model for bridged cracks and reinforced elliptical voids.
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 2007, 55(5), 1016-1035. - K. Bertoldi, D. Bigoni and W.J. Drugan,
Structural interfaces in linear elasticity. Part I: Nonlocality and gradient approximations.
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 2007, 55(1), 1-34. - K. Bertoldi, D. Bigoni and W.J. Drugan,
Structural interfaces in linear elasticity. Part II: Effective properties and neutrality.
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 2007, 55(1), 35-63. - G. Franceschini, D. Bigoni, P. Regitnig and G.A. Holzapfel,
Brain tissue deforms similarly to filled elastomers and follows consolidation theory.
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 2006, 54, 2592-2620. - A. Piccolroaz, D. Bigoni, and J.R. Willis,
A dynamical interpretation of flutter instability in a continuous medium.
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 2006, 54, 2391-2417. - D. Bigoni and W.J. Drugan, Analytical
derivation of Cosserat moduli via homogenization of heterogeneous elastic materials.
Journal of Applied Mechanics, 2007, 74(3), 1-13. - A. Piccolroaz, D. Bigoni and A. Gajo, An
elastoplastic framework for granular materials
becoming cohesive through mechanical densification. Part I - small strain formulation.
European Journal of Mechanics A: Solids, 2006, 25, 334-357. - A. Piccolroaz, D. Bigoni and A. Gajo, An elastoplastic
framework for granular materials
becoming cohesive through mechanical densification. Part II - the formulation of elastoplastic
coupling at large strain.
European Journal of Mechanics A: Solids, 2006, 25, 358-369. - D. Capuani, D. Bigoni and M. Brun, Integral
representations at the boundary for Stokes flow and related symmetric Galerkin formulation.
Archives of Mechanics, 2005, 57 (5), 363-385. - K. Bertoldi, M. Brun and D. Bigoni, A new boundary
element technique without domain integrals for elastoplastic solids.
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 2005, 64, 877-906. - D. Bigoni and D. Capuani, Time-harmonic
Green's function and boundary integral formulation for incremental nonlinear elasticity:
dynamics of wave patterns and shear bands.
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 2005, 53(5), 1163-1187. - D. Bigoni and A. Piccolroaz, Yield criteria for
quasibrittle and frictional materials.
International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2004, 41(11-12), 2855-2878. - A. Gajo, D. Bigoni and D. Muir Wood, Multiple
shear band development and related instabilities in granular materials.
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 2004, 52(12), 2683-2724. - M. Gei, D. Bigoni and G. Franceschini, Thermoelastic
small-amplitude wave propagation in nonlinear elastic multilayers.
Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids, 2004, 9, 555-568, special issue dedicated to Prof. R.W. Ogden. - A. Benallal and D. Bigoni, Effects of temperature and
thermo-mechanical couplings on
material instabilities and strain localization of inelastic materials.
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 2004, 52(3), 725-753. - M. Gei, D. Bigoni and S. Guicciardi, Failure of silicon nitride
under uniaxial compression at high temperature.
Mechanics of Materials, 2004, 36(4), 335-345. - M. Brun, D. Capuani and D. Bigoni, A boundary element technique for
incremental, nonlinear elasticity. Part. I: Formulation.
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 192 (22-24), 2003, 2461-2479. - M. Brun, D. Bigoni and D. Capuani, A boundary element technique for
incremental, nonlinear elasticity. Part. II: Bifurcation and shear bands.
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 192 (22-24), 2003, 2481-2499. - D. Bigoni and A.B. Movchan, Statics and dynamics of
structural interfaces in elasticity.
International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2002, 39, 4843-4865. - M. Gei, F. Genna and D. Bigoni, An interface model
for the periodontal ligament.
Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, 2002, 124, 538-546. - E. Radi, D. Bigoni and D. Capuani, Effects
of pre-stress on crack-tip fields in elastic,
incompressible solids.
International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2002, 39, 3971-3996. - D. Bigoni and D. Capuani, Green's function for incremental nonlinear
elasticity: shear bands and boundary integral formulation.
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 2002, 50, 471-500. - D. Bigoni and H. Petryk, A note on divergence and flutter instabilities in
elastic-plastic materials.
International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2002, 39, 911-926. - E. Radi, D. Bigoni and B. Loret, Steady crack growth in elastic-plastic
fluid-saturated porous media.
International Journal of Plasticity, 2002, 18, 345-358. - D. Bigoni and M. Gei, Bifurcations of a coated, elastic cylinder.
International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2001, 38, 5117-5148. - D. Bigoni, B. Loret and E. Radi, Localization of deformation in plane elastic-plastic
solids with anisotropic elasticity.
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 2000, 48, 1441-1466, special issue dedicated to Prof. J.R. Willis. - D. Bigoni and B. Loret, Effects of elastic anisotropy on strain localization and
flutter instability in plastic solids.
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 1999, 47, 1409-1436. - M. Valentini, S.K. Serkov, D. Bigoni and A.B. Movchan, Crack
propagation in a brittle elastic material with defects.
Journal of Applied Mechanics, 1999, 66, 79-86. - E. Radi, D. Bigoni and A. Tralli, On uniqueness for frictional rate problems.
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 1999, 47, 275-296. - D. Bigoni, S.K. Serkov, A.B. Movchan and M. Valentini, Asymptotic
models of dilute composites with imperfectly bonded inclusions.
International Journal of Solids and Structures, 1998, 35 (24), 3239-3258. - D. Bigoni, M. Ortiz and A. Needleman, Effect of interfacial compliance on
bifurcation of a layer bonded to a substrate.
International Journal of Solids and Structures, 1997, 34 (33/34), 4305-4326. - D. Bigoni and E. Radi, Asymptotic solution for Mode III crack growth in
J2-elastoplasticity with mixed isotropic-kinematic strain hardening.
International Journal of Fracture, 1996, 77, 77-93. - D. Bigoni, On smooth bifurcations in non-associative elastoplasticity.
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 1996, 44 (8), 1337-1351. - E. Radi and D. Bigoni, Effects of anisotropic hardening on crack
propagation in porous-ductile materials.
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 1996, 44 (9), 1475-1508. - D. Bigoni, On flutter instability in elastoplastic constitutive models.
International Journal of Solids and Structures, 1995, 32 (21), 3167-3189. - D. Bigoni and D. Zaccaria,
On the eigenvalues of the acoustic tensor in
elastoplasticity .
European Journal of Mechanics, A/Solids, 1994, 13, 621-638. - E. Radi and D. Bigoni, Crack propagation in porous hardening metals
International Journal of Plasticity, 1994, 10 (7), 761-793. - D. Bigoni and D. Zaccaria, Eigenvalues of the elastoplastic constitutive
Zeitschrift fuer Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik (ZAMM), 1994, 74, 355-357. - E. Radi and D. Bigoni, Asymptotic fields of mode I steady-state crack
propagation in non-associative elastoplastic solids.
Mechanics of Materials, 1993, 14, 239-251. - D. Bigoni and E. Radi, Mode I crack propagation in elastic-plastic pressure
sensitive materials.
International Journal of Solids and Structures, 1993, 30 (7), 899-919. - D. Bigoni and D. Zaccaria,
On strain localization analysis of elastoplastic
materials at finite strains.
International Journal of Plasticity, 1993, 9, 21-33. - D. Bigoni, Strain localization in axially-symmetric compression of brittle
cohesive materials.
Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 1992, 42 (4), 617-627. - D. Bigoni and D. Zaccaria, Loss of strong-ellipticity in non-associative
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 1992, 40 (6), 1313-1331. - D. Bigoni and D. Zaccaria, Strong ellipticity of comparison solids in
elastoplasticity with volumetric non-associativity.
International Journal of Solids and Structures, 1992, 29 (17), 2123-2136. - D. Bigoni and T. Hueckel, Uniqueness and localization I.
Associative and non-associative elastoplasticity.
International Journal of Solids and Structures, 1991, 28 (2), 197-213. - D. Bigoni and T. Hueckel, Uniqueness and localization II.
Coupled elastoplasticity.
International Journal of Solids and Structures, 1991, 28 (2), 215-224. - D. Bigoni and T. Hueckel, A note on strain localization for a class of
non-associative plasticity rules.
Ingenieur-Archiv, 1990, 60, 491-499. - D. Bigoni and T. Hueckel, On uniqueness and strain localization in plane
strain and plane stress elastoplasticity.
Mechanics Research Communications, 1990, 17 (1), 15-23, and 17 (3), 189. - D. Bigoni and F. Laudiero, The quasi-static finite cavity expansion in a
non-standard elastoplastic medium.
International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 1989, 31 (11/12), 825-837.
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[Movie] - The perturbative approach to shear band
[Movie] - The growth of a shear band
Articles on ancient structures
- Bigoni, F., Bigoni, D., Misseroni, D., Wang, D. (2017).
Megalithic stone beam bridges of ancient China reach the limits of strength and challenge size effect in granite
Journal of Cultural Heritage, 26, 167-171,
Articles for Teaching and didactics
- D. Misseroni, D. Bigoni, and F. Dal Corso.
A model for teaching elastic frames
Journal of Materials Education, 36 (5-6), 169-174.
[Go to related article] - D. Bigoni, F. Dal Corso, D. Misseroni and M. Tommasini.
A teaching model for truss structures.
European Journal of Physics, 2012, 33, 1179-1186.
[Go to related article] - F. Bosi, E. Mazzocchi, I. Jatro, F. Dal Corso, A. Piccolroaz, L. Deseri, D. Bigoni, A. Cocquio, M. Cova and S. Odorizzi.
A Collaborative Project Between Industry and Academia to
Enhance Engineering Education at Graduate and PhD
Level in Ceramic Technology.
International Journal of Engineering Education, 2013, 33, 1362-1370.
Articles Published in Refereed Books
- D. Bigoni, F. Bosi, D. Misseroni, F. Dal Corso, and G. Noselli
New phenomena in nonlinear elastic structures: from tensile buckling to configurational forces.
In CISM Lecture Notes No. 562 "Extremely Deformable Structures" (Ch. 2), edited by: D. Bigoni, Springer, 2015 ISBN 978-3-7091-1876-4, doi 10.1007/978-3-7091-1877-1. - D. Bigoni, D. Misseroni, G. Noselli, D. Zaccaria Surprising instabilities of simple elastic structures. In Nonlinear Physical Systems - Spectral Analysis, Stability and Bifurcations, Kirillov, N. and Pelinovsky, D.E. Eds., Wiley, pp. 1-14, 2014; ISBN: 978-1-84821-420-0.
- D. Bigoni, Material instabilities in elastic and plastic solids: the perturbative approach. In Mechanics down under, Denier, J.P. and Finn, M.D. Eds., Proc. of the 22th Int. Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (Adelaide, Australia, 24-29 August 2008) Springer Science, pp. 1-14, 2013; ISBN: 978-94-007-1, DOI 10.1007/078-94-007-5968-8.
- D. Bigoni, M. Gei and S. Roccabianca (2013) Bifurcation of elastic multilayers. In Mathematical Methods and Models in Composites. Edited by: V. Mantic, Imperial College Press, ISBN: 978-1-84816-784-1.
- M. Gei, D. Bigoni, A.B. Movchan and M. Bacca, Band-Gap Properties of Prestressed Structures. In Acoustic Metamaterials Negative Refraction, Imaging, Lensing and Cloaking, Craster, R.V. and Guenneau, S. Eds., Springer Series in Materials Science, Vol. 166, pp. 61-82, 2013; ISBN: 978-94-007-4812-5.
- M. Brun, D. Bigoni and D. Capuani, Boundary elements and shear bands in incremental elasticity. In IUTAM Symposium on Asymptotics, Singularities and Homogeneisation in Problems of Mechanics, A.B. Movchan, Ed., Kluwer, 2003, 317-327.
- A. Gajo, D. Bigoni and D. Muir-Wood, Stress induced elastic anisotropy and strain localization in sand. In Bifurcation and Localization Theory in Geomechanics, H.B. Muehlhaus, A. Dyskin and E. Pasternak, Eds., Swets & Zeitlinger, Lisse (ISBN 90 265 1823 4), 2001.
- D. Bigoni, Bifurcation and instability of nonassociative elastoplastic solids. In CISM Lecture Notes No. 414 "Material Instabilities in Elastic and Plastic Solids", H. Petryk, Ed. Springer-Verlag, WienNew York, 2000.
- D. Bigoni and J.R. Willis, A dynamical interpretation of flutter instability. In Localisation and Bifurcation Theory for Soils and Rock, R. Chambon, J. Desrues and I. Vardoulakis, Eds., A.A. Balkema, Rotterdam, 1994.
- D. Bigoni and E. Radi, Asymptotic tip fields for a steadily growing crack in pressure-sensitive materials. In Fracture and Damage of Concrete and Rock, H.P. Rossmanith, Ed., E&FN Spon, 1993.
- D. Bigoni and T. Hueckel, Loss of uniqueness and shear band in associative and non-associative plasticity. Proc. Workshop Numerical Methods for Localization and Bifurcation in Granular Bodies, Z. Sikora, Ed., Sobieszewo, 19-23 August 1989.
- A. Cavazza, D. Bigoni and G. Noselli, Analisi non distruttiva della qualità interna
delle forme di formaggio (in Italian).
Fondazione Edmund Mach, 07/06/2011.
Articles Published in Italian Journals
- D. Bigoni and R. Renzi, The pile point resistance and the theory of cavity
expansion (in Italian).
Inarcos, 1986, 470, 244-249. - D. Bigoni and R. Renzi, On the relationship between pile point resistance and
limit pressure for cavity expansion in soils (in Italian).
Giornale del Genio Civile, 1988, 7/9, 143-153. - A. Piccolroaz, A. Gajo and D. Bigoni, Cold compaction of ceramic powders.
Materials Engineering, 2003, 14 (2), 157-169.
Book Reviews
- D. Bigoni, Book review: "Heterogeneous Media: Micromechanics Modelling Methods and Simulations",
K. Markov and L. Preziosi, Editors.
Meccanica, 2001, 36(2), 239-240.
Conference Proceedings
- D. Bigoni and T. Hueckel, On necessary and sufficient criteria for uniqueness in elastoplasticity for constrained and unconstrained kinematics. Congresso in memoria di Riccardo Baldacci e Michele Capurso, Roma, Italy, Oct. 1989.
- D. Bigoni and D. Zaccaria, Global and local stability conditions for non standard elastoplastic solids (in Italian). X Congresso AIMETA, Pisa, Italy, Oct. 1990.
- D. Bigoni and D. Zaccaria, On localization of deformation in comparison solids for elastoplastic materials at finite strains. Problemi di Meccanica dei Materiali e delle Strutture, Amalfi, Italy, 3-5 June 1991.
- D. Bigoni, Toward the definition of a model for strain localization in concrete. Problemi di Meccanica dei Materiali e delle Strutture, Amalfi, Italy, 3-5 June 1991.
- D. Bigoni and D. Zaccaria, Stability in Mandel sense for elastoplastic solids at finite strains. XI Congresso Nazionale AIMETA, Trento, Italy, Sept. 1992.
- D. Bigoni and E. Radi, Crack propagation in elastoplastic solids with non associative flow-rule. XI Congresso Nazionale AIMETA, Trento, Italy, Sept. 1992.
- E. Radi and D. Bigoni, On crack propagation in porous metals: the Gurson model. VII Convegno Italiano di Meccanica Computazionale, Trieste, Italy, 1-3 June 1993.
- E. Radi and D. Bigoni, On mode I crack propagation in porous hardening metals. IV International Symposium on Plasticity and Its Current Applications, Baltimore, Md., 19-23 July 1993.
- D. Bigoni, L. Esposito, F. Laudiero, E. Radi and A. Tucci, Effects of pressure-sensitivity on mechanical behavior of zirconia ceramics. II Convegno Nazionale sui Materiali per l'Ingegneria, Trento, Italy, 19-21 September 1994.
- D. Bigoni, W. Maggioni, R. Renzi and N. Tullini, On centrifuge modelling of earthquakes (in Italian). Convegno: Terremoti in Italia, Previsione e Prevenzione dei Danni, Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Roma, Italy, Dec. 1994.
- D. Bigoni, On second order bifurcations in non-associative plasticity. XII Congresso Nazionale AIMETA, Napoli, Italy, 3-6 October 1995.
- E. Radi and D. Bigoni, On steady crack growth in porous elastoplastic materials with non-associative flow-law. XII Convegno Nazionale Gruppo Italiano di Frattura, Parma, Italy, 12-13 June 1996.
- D. Bigoni, A. Movchan, L. Esposito, S.K. Serkov and M. Valentini, Crack propagation in brittle, elastic solids with defects. XII Convegno Nazionale Gruppo Italiano di Frattura, Parma, Italy, 12-13 June 1996.
- D. Bigoni, Mathematical aspects of the rate problem in elastoplasticity and elasticity (in Italian). Congress: Composite Materials and Structures, Parma, Italy, 15-16 November 1996.
- O. Mazzoni, E. Mesini and D. Bigoni, Underground imaging improvement considering anisotropy from walkaway vsp. Offshore Mediterranean Conference, Ravenna, Italy, 19-21 March 1997.
- D. Bigoni, S.K. Serkov, A.B. Movchan and M. Valentini, On circular elastic inclusion with linear interface. XIII Congresso Nazionale AIMETA, Siena, Italy, 29 September-3 October 1997.
- E. Radi, D. Bigoni and A. Tralli, On comparison solids for frictional rate problem. XIII Congresso Nazionale AIMETA, Siena, Italy, 29 September- 3 October 1997.
- M. Valentini, D. Bigoni, L. Esposito, A.B. Movchan and S.K. Serkov, On crack paths in composite ceramic materials. 4th Int. Conf. on Ceramic Composites, Mons, Belgium, 18-20 November 1997.
- S. Guicciardi, C. Melandri and D. Bigoni, Failure modes of silicon nitride under uniaxial compression. XIV Convegno Nazionale Gruppo Italiano di Frattura, Trento, Italy, 27-28 May 1998.
- E. Radi, D. Bigoni and B. Loret, Crack growth in inelastic fluid-saturated porous media. XIV Convegno Nazionale Gruppo Italiano di Frattura, Trento, Italy, 27-28 May 1998.
- D. Bigoni, B. Loret and E. Radi, Strain localization for a class of anisotropic- elastic, plastic solids. Proceedings of the Congress "Plasticity 99": the 7th International Symposium on Plasticity and its Current Applications, Cancun, Mexico, 5-13 January 1999.
- D. Bigoni and M. Gei, On bifurcation of a layered, orthotropic, elastic medium. XXVIII AIAS National Congress, Vicenza, Italy, 8-11 September 1999.
- D. Bigoni and M. Gei, Bifurcation of a cylindrical elastic inclusion embedded in an elastic medium. XIV AIMETA National Congress, Como, Italy, 6-9 October 1999.
- E. Radi, D. Bigoni and D. Capuani, On effects of pre-stress on crack-tip fields in elastic, incompressible solids . XV AIMETA National Congress, Taormina, Italy, 26-29 September 2001.
- D. Bigoni and D. Capuani, A boundary integral equation approach to incremental nonlinear elasticity. XV AIMETA National Congress, Taormina, Italy, 26-29 September 2001.
- M. Gei, D. Bigoni and F. Genna, A mechanical model for the periodontal ligament. PACAM VII, Temuco, Chile, 2-4 January 2002.
- D. Bigoni, A.B. Movchan and M. Gei, Structural interfaces in solid mechanics: a view to applications in biological systems. 9th International Conference on The Mechanical Behaviour of Materials, Geneve, Switzerland, May, 25-29, 2003.
- D. Bigoni, A.B. Movchan and M. Gei, Structural interfaces in elasticity. XVI AIMETA National Congress, Ferrara, Italy, 9-12 September 2003.
- M. Gei, D. Bigoni, and G. Franceschini, Propagation of thermoelastic waves in layered structures. XVI AIMETA National Congress, Ferrara, Italy, 9-12 September 2003.
- D. Capuani, D. Bigoni, and M. Brun, Integral representations at the boundary for Stokes flow. XVI AIMETA National Congress, Ferrara, Italy, 9-12 September 2003.
- M. Brun, D. Bigoni, and D. Capuani, Bifurcations and shear bands by the boundary element method. XVI AIMETA National Congress, Ferrara, Italy, 9-12 September 2003.
- D. Bigoni, and A. Piccolroaz, A new yield function for geomaterials. Constitutive modelling and analysis of boundary value problems in geotechnical engineering, Napoli, Italy, 22-24 April 2003.
- D. Capuani, and D. Bigoni, The dynamic behaviour of solids in incremental nonlinear elasticity: perturbations and integral equations. XVII AIMETA National Congress, Firenze, Italy, 12-15 September 2005.
- K. Bertoldi, D. Bigoni and W.J. Drugan, Nonlocal structural interfaces. XVII AIMETA National Congress, Firenze, Italy, 12-15 September 2005.
- D. Bigoni, A. Piccolroaz and J.R. Willis, Flutter instability in elastoplastic solids with nonassociative flow rule: a dynamical interpretation. XVII AIMETA National Congress, Firenze, Italy, 12-15 September 2005.
- Colli, S., Gei, M. and Bigoni, D. (2007). A boundary element approach to incremental, non-linear elasticity. International Symposium on Recent Advances in Mechanics, Dynamic Systems and Probability Theory - MDP 2007, Mondello (Pa), Italy, 3-6 June 2007.
- Dal Corso, F., Bigoni, D. and Gei, M. (2007). The stress concentration near a rigid line inclusion in a prestressed, elastic materials. International Symposium on Recent Advances in Mechanics, Dynamic Systems and Probability Theory - MDP 2007, Mondello (Pa), Italy, 3-6 June 2007.
- Gei, M., Bigoni, D. and Movchan, A.B. (2007). Dynamics of a prestressed, stiff layer on an elastic half-space: structural models derived from long-wave asymptotics. XVIII AIMETA National Congress, Brescia, Italy, 11-14 September 2007.
- Dal Corso, F., Bigoni, D. and Gei, M. (2007). The stress concentration near a rigid line inclusion in a prestressed, elastic materials. XVIII AIMETA National Congress, Brescia, Italy, 11-14 September 2007.
Undergraduate Textbooks
- D. Bigoni, A. Di Tommaso, M. Gei, F. Laudiero and D. Zaccaria,
Inertial characteristics of sections, with software (in Italian). Esculapio, Bologna, 1995. - D. Bigoni, M. Casadei, F. Laudiero and M. Savoia,
Truss structures, with software (in Italian). Esculapio, Bologna, 1999.
Conference Participations
- D. Bigoni and D. Zaccaria, On local stability criteria in the presence of elastoplastic non-associative flow rules. Euromech 282-Microscopic and Macroscopic Plastic Instabilities, Metz, France, July 1991.
- D. Bigoni and D. Zaccaria, Localization of deformation and local stability criteria for non-associative elastoplastic models. 1st European Solid Mechanics Conference, Munich, Germany, Sept. 1991.
- D. Bigoni and D. Zaccaria, Flutter instability in continuum elastoplasticity. XVIII International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Haifa, Israel, Aug. 1992.
- D. Bigoni, A. Di Tommaso, M. Gei and D. Zaccaria, A software for inertial characteristics of sections: an example of use of Fortran graphics. Student session-XXII Congresso AIAS, Forlì Italy, 2-5 October 1993.
- D. Bigoni, A. Needleman and M. Ortiz, Influence of interlaminar decohesion on buckling loads of layered elastic structures. 1st International Conference on Composite Engineering, New Orleans, La., 28-31 August 1994.
- E. Radi and D. Bigoni, On crack propagation in porous anisotropic- hardening metals. 2nd European Solid Mechanics Conference, Genova, Italy, Sept. 1994.
- D. Bigoni, A. Needleman and M. Ortiz, On effects of delamination on buckling loads of layered media. 2nd European Solid Mechanics Conference, Genova, Italy, Sept. 1994.
- D. Bigoni, L. Esposito, F. Laudiero, E. Radi and A. Tucci, Shear banding and crack initiation in zirconia ceramics. 7th International Conference on Mechanical Behaviour of Materials, The Hague, Netherlands, 28 May-2 June 1995.
- D. Bigoni, On smooth bifurcations in nonassociated plasticity. Euromech 347-Stability and Bifurcation in Solid Mechanics, Paris, France, 13-15 May 1996.
- D. Bigoni, Nth-order bifurcations in elastoplastic solids with non-associated flow-rule. XIX International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Kyoto, Japan, 25-31 August 1996.
- E. Radi, A. Tralli and D. Bigoni, Uniqueness criteria for frictional contact problem based on comparison solids. Unilateral Problems in Structural Analysis, Ferrara, Italy, 12-14 June 1997.
- D. Bigoni and E. Radi, Steady-state crack growth in porous elasto-plastic materials with non-associative Flow-Law. VI International Symposium on Plasticity and Its Current Applications, Juneau, Ak., 14-18 July 1997.
- E. Radi, D. Bigoni and A. Tralli, Uniqueness criteria for frictional contact problem based on comparison solids. 3rd European Solid Mechanics Conference, Stockholm, Sweden, 18-22 August 1997.
- D. Bigoni, M. Valentini, S.K. Serkov and A.B. Movchan, Propagation of a crack in inhomogeneous media with small inclusions: asymptotic approach. 3rd European Solid Mechanics Conference, Stockholm, Sweden, 18-22 August 1997.
- D. Bigoni, E. Radi and A. Tralli, A note on uniqueness in frictional contact rate problem. 4th International Workshop on Localization and Bifurcation Theory for Soils and Rocks, Gifu, Japan, Sept. 1997.
- E. Radi, D. Bigoni and A. Tralli, On models for frictional contact: uniqueness and stability. 4th International Congress on Computational Mechanics, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 29 June-2 July 1998.
- D. Bigoni and B. Loret, On non-propagation of acceleration waves in anisotropic-elastic, plastic solids. 35th Annual Technical Meeting of the Society of Engineering Science, Pullman, Wa., 27-30 September 1998.
- D. Bigoni and M. Gei, Bifurcation of a cylinder embedded in an elastic matrix. Euromech 390-Instability, Bifurcation and Localization in Fracture of Materials, Cachan, France, 10-12 May 1999.
- D. Bigoni, Problems in bifurcation for non-associative plasticity. Geomath I, Innsbruck, Austria, 1-3 March 2000.
- D. Capuani and D. Bigoni, A fundamental solution for incremental nonlinear elastic deformations. IABEM 2000, Brescia, Italia, 4-7 July 2000.
- D. Bigoni and D. Capuani, On decay effects in nonlinear elasticity. 20th Int. Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, ICTAM 2000, Chicago, 27 Aug. - 2 Sept. 2000.
- D. Bigoni, The Faculty of Engineering of the Trento University. Global E3 Annual Meeting, Albany, June 1-4, 2001.
- D. Bigoni, E. Radi and D. Capuani, Instabilities and near tip crack fields in elastic, incompressible solids. Asymptotics, Singularities and Homogeneisation in Problems of Mechanics, IUTAM Symposium, Liverpool, July 8-11, 2002.
- D. Bigoni, M. Brun and D. Capuani, Shear bands without regularization using a boundary element technique. Recent Developments in the Modelling of Rupture in Solids, Foz de Iguacu, August 4-7, 2003.
- A. Benallal and D. Bigoni, Material instabilities in thermo-mechanical processes. XXI International Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Warsaw, August 15-21, 2004.
- D. Bigoni and D. Capuani, Dynamics of perturbations and shear band instabilities. XXI International Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Warsaw, August 15-21, 2004.
- D. Bigoni and A. Benallal, Strain localization and material instabilities in plastic solids within a fully coupled thermomechanical context. Symposium "Instabilities across the scales", Cairns, Queensland, September 14-17, 2004.
- D. Bigoni and D. Capuani, A perturbative approach to material instabilities in anisotropic solids. Euromech Colloquium 464 on Fibre-reinforced solids: constitutive laws and instabilities, University of Cantabria, Santander, September 28 - October 1, 2004.
- D. Bigoni, G. Franceschini and G.A. Holzapfel, The mechanics of brain tissue. Euromech Colloquium 474 on material Instabilities in Coupled Problems, Troyes, August 30-31, 2005.
- D. Bigoni, K. Bertoldi and W.J. Drugan, Structural interfaces in linear elasticity: nonlocality, gradient approximations, bridged cracks & inclusions, effective properties & neutrality. British Applied Mechanics Colloquium, Keele, April 24-27, 2006.
- Piccolroaz, A., Bigoni, D. and Willis, J.R. (2006). A dynamical interpretation of flutter instability in non-associative elastoplastic solids. British Applied Mathematics Colloquium, Keele, UK, 24-27 April 2006.
- D. Bigoni, Topics in Solid Mechanics. Tehnonav, Ovidius University of Constanta, Constanta (RO), May 19-21, 2006.
- D. Bigoni, A. Piccolroaz and J.R. Willis, Flutter instability in granular media. 15th US National Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Boulder, June 25-30, 2006.
- D. Bigoni, W.J. Drugan, Analytical Derivation of Cosserat Moduli via Homogenization of Heterogeneous Elastic Materials. The 1st world material symposium, Thessaloniki, April 29-May 2, 2007.
- D. Bigoni, A.B. Movchan and M. Gei, Dynamics of a pre-stressed stiff layer on an elastic half-space. MCMAT 2007, Austin, Texas, June 2007.
- D. Bigoni, F.Dal Corso and M. Gei Shear Bands Emergence at the Tip of a Rigid Line Inclusion. GMA08, Genova, February 29-March 1, 2008.
- D. Bigoni, Shear Bands, Perturbations and Boundary Elements in Incremental Nonlinear Elasticity. 8th World Congress on Computational Mechanics WCCM8, Venice, June 30 - July 6, 2008.
- D. Bigoni, Material instabilities in elastic and plastic solids (the perturbative approach). 22th international Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics ICTAM, Adelaide, Australia, August 24-30, 2008.
- D. Bigoni, Materials on the verge of a breakdown. New Directions in Continuum Mechanics, Castro Urdiales, September 8-11, 2008.
- D. Bigoni, M. Gei and A.B. Movchan, Band gaps and related dynamical effects in prestressed solids. GDR Workshop on Waves in Pre-stressed Nonlinear Media, Manchester, January 7-8t, 2009.
Invited talks
- Localization of plastic deformation. Colloquia on Geomechanics, Duke University, April, 19, 1989.
- Criteri locali di stabilita' per solidi elastoplastici ISMES spa, Bergamo, July, 7, 1990.
- Instabilita' materiali in plasticita'. Universita' di Ferrara, April, 18, 1994.
- On the effects of delamination on buckling loads of layered media. University of California at Berkeley, August, 1, 1994.
- Fracture vs. localization in elastoplasticity. Institut de Mecanique de Grenoble, October, 6, 1994.
- Problemi di biforcazione dell'equilibrio di solidi elastici laminati. Universita' di Ferrara, March, 15, 1995.
- Meccanismi locali e globali di rottura in materiali elastoplastici. Politecnico di Milano, March, 24, 1995.
- Fracture mechanics in elasticity and plasticity. Applied Mechanics Section Colloquia, Delft University of Technology, May, 31, 1995.
- Comportamento dei materiali in condizioni estreme. Istituto Universitario di Architettura, Venezia, January, 29, 1996.
- Meccanica della frattura in plasticita'. Università di Brescia, March, 19-20, 1996.
- Modi di rottura locali e globali di materiali duttili. Università di Roma Tor Vergata, March, 28, 1996.
- Biforcazione, localizzazione della deformazione e frattura in plasticita'. Universita' di Ferrara, June, 11, 1996.
- Comportamento dei materiali elastoplastici a rottura. Universita' di Parma, October, 7, 1996.
- Effect of interfacial compliance on bifurcation of layered, elastic solids. Seminarium Osrodka Mechaniki, Institute of Fundamental Technological Research, Warsaw, February, 24, 1997.
- Local instabilities in elastic-plastic solids: type and occurrence. Committee of Nonlinear Mechanics, Nagoya Institute of Technology, October, 2, 1997.
- Criteri locali di stabilita' per materiali elastoplastici. Universita' di Ferrara, March, 24, 1998.
- Biforcazioni di un cilindro elastico ricoperto. Universita' di Cagliari, May, 5, 2000.
- Bifurcation, strain localization and fracture in elastic-plasticity solids. Seminarie de Mecanique Ile-de-France Sud Ecole Normale Superieure de Cachan, France, October, 5, 2000.
- Singularities in elasticity with pre-stress. Seminarium Osrodka Mechaniki i informatyki stosowanej, Institute of Fundamental Technological Research, Warsaw, October, 1, 2001.
- Principles of ceramic manufacturing: powders processing in theory and practice. Modelling of confined cold compaction and pressing methods. Best available technologies and innovation in ceramic production, Institute of Science and Technology of Ceramics, Faenza, Sept. 30 - Oct. 5, 2002.
- New solutions to old problems in Solid Mechanics. Applied Mechanics Seminar Series, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Budapest, November 29, 2002.
- Singular solutions and boundary element techniques for incremental nonlinear elasticity . Colloquium Mechanics of Materials and Structures, Technical University of Graz, Graz, June 11, 2003.
- Singular solutions, boundary element techniques and related topics in incremental, nonlinear elasticity. Max Planck Institute for Metals Research, Stuttgart, October 13, 2003.
- A perturbative approach to material instabilities in anisotropic elastic and plastic solids. Seminarium Mechaniki Ciala Stalego im. W. Olszaka i A. Sawczuka, Institute of Fundamental Technological Research, Warsaw, April 5, 2004.
- Structural interfaces in elasticity. Seminarium Pracowni Mechaniki Materialow Niesprezystych, Institute of Fundamental Technological Research, Warsaw, April 14, 2004.
- Local stability criteria and constitutive modelling of granular materials. Department of Mechanical Engineering, Columbia University, New York, June 13, 2005.
- Material stability for granular materials. Romanian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Mathematics, Bucharest, Romania, May 18, 2006.
- A short course on bifurcation and instability in geomechanics. University of Newcastle, NSW, Australia, August 2008.
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